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Kids in the Garden: Children’s Class for Gardening and the Environment
Kids in the Garden: Children’s Class for Gardening and the Environment
Saturdays 10 am to Noon (unless otherwise noted)
January 12 Animal Homes and Garden Habitats - learn about animal homes, then walk the Gardens with Farmer Jones and discover where they make their homes
February 9 Power Brain Yoga for Kids taught by Heather Hebert del Cuadro - join us for an active class with music and movement in our beautiful Gardens
March 9 Soil, Composting, and Spring planting – peas, lettuce, chard, broccoli - what are the different kinds of soil? how can we make soil by composting?
April 27 Earth Day Festival 10 am to 3 pm FREE event children’s nature activities, music and dance, vendors, plant sale, BBQ lunch for sale
June 8 Windchimes taught by Sivana Gur - make and take a special hanging to enhance your Garden - open to all ages, must reserve by June 5
July 13 Cooking and Nutrition - Corn on the cob and ways we cook and eat corn
August 10 Water Is Wonderful how do we use water? How can we save water? How can we have fun with water?
September 14 Nature Drawing and Watercolors - take a close look at a tree, a flower, or a plant and draw it - then add color to create a masterpiece!
October 12 Fall Fun Festival 10 am to 3 pm FREE event– scarecrow contest, pumpkins, bobbing for apples, children’s fall crafts, vendors, plant sale, BBQ lunch for sale
November 9 The Magic of Autumn: Trees and Leaves - What do trees give us? What do leaves do? Why do leaves change color? What happens to leaves after they fall?
December 14 - 5 Senses and Nature Games - learning about nature by moving quietly, listening carefully, looking closely at nature - and learn some new outdoor games
$5 each child or adult Pre-registration requested
Contact Farmer Jones (760) 822-6824
For monthly reminders - send your email to Farmer Jones
Kids in the Garden Class features hands-on activities, Incredible Edibles, conservation lessons and tours of the 14-acre Gardens.
Come back and see us again and again!
Garden Open Daily 7:00-5.00 Monday-Friday; 10:00- 5:00 on weekends
Admission is $5.00 for non-members; admission is Free with Membership
Days that the Gardens are CLOSED
Directions to the Gardens (760) 945-3954
Alta Vista Botanical Gardens is a 501(c)3 Not For Profit Corporation
Contact: WebMaster Copyright© 2003-2015 Alta Vista Gardens All Rights Reserved is part of the Omni Pragma® family
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